[Positive] LIT farms

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[Positive] LIT farms

Post by 4thebud20 »

I've been ordering from cult vendors for about 2 years now, to avoid having to drive 2 hours to the dispensary. I've tried maybe about 25 vendors and over 150 strains.

Overall, I've been pretty pleased and content, but hoping something would come along that was just absolutely, 100% top shelf fire. Despite being pleased with other purchases, it took me a while to find it. But I did, and that spot is definitely LIT Farms. The only stuff I've gotten so far to TRULY stink up your house when you open it. I see this in so many reddit reviews, and time and time again, I order the same thing and the scent just isn't there. Idk if these people haven't sniffed the loud packs I have back in the day or what, but almost every vendor is lacking in that category.

Not LIT! This place is the first and only vendors where I'm like oh yeah, now that's some of the best I've ever smoked.

Specifically their eighths for around $25 are the truth, the ounce I bought for $120 didn't match up as much, but still great bud.

Powerful, long lasting high and a scent that punches you in the face just as strong. It's the bud I've been searching for yall, check it out.

And if you do check it out, use this link to get a coupon code :)https://litfarms.com/?ref=thebud420

Once I figure out how to post photos here I will! Lol
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Post by WolfRanger »

Hey! To upload photos, you first put them anywhere online (like Imgur or Photobucket (if that is still a thing aha)), you can even grab them from Reddit Posts. Right click and "Copy Image Address" if that is an option.

You will know because it will end in a filename, like .png or .jpeg.

Put that in image tags, like so [img][/img]

This forum uses BBCode, so, bold for example is [b]bold text goes here [/b] (but I have it turned off for this demonstration)
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